About My Services
My services are an evolution of psychotherapy and mental health and marriage counseling into professional coaching.
I was a licensed counselor providing psychotherapy for over a decade. I loved my work and am so grateful for the ability it gave me to help people in all facets of their lives and relationships. That profession is also medical in nature, requiring diagnosis, labeling people, and in many cases having to conform services to insurance companies rather than actual client needs.
Over the years as my interest and continuing education moved in the direction of human potential and intentional intimacy, the clients coming in to see me were a match to my passion for personal growth. The positive, accelerated impact of my personal growth work with clients was clear, and after several years of trying to decide how to ingrate my new direction, I ultimately decided that mental health counseling was no longer the right designation for my services.
Now, as a professional coach, I'm able to work directly with my clients in more connected and creative ways. The shift has been very fulfilling for both my clients and myself. We have more direct contact, flexibility in communication, and more overall bandwidth for our work together. Our conversations are high-energy, often humorous, and deeply transformational.

About Gina
Master clinician, relationship expert, and service-oriented facilitator for individuals and couples.
"Counselor, Coach, Teacher, Helper, Healer, Trusted Ally - I'm not always sure what to call you, but these are some of the words I use to describe what you do.” - Personal & Professional Growth
Over a decade providing psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families
Long term private practice as a licensed mental health counselor
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
Adjunct professor in the Master of Arts Counseling program at Saint Martin’s University
Thank you for your willingness to invest in your personal growth. Thank you for your interest in Gina's services. We are a referral-based business, we don't add your name to a mailing list or market on social media. Any changes in available services will be updated on this website. We're here to be of service to our clients, and we thank you for your support.